VI. Data Systems: 1. Financial Analysis:The financial statements of a company can be compared with the instrument panel of a airplane. They are intended to illustrate the present conditions of the aircraft. Unfortunately, it is not that easy sometimes to be able to read the financial instruments to maintain the correct altitude. They may be growing but losing altitude. That is what financial analysis is all about. To figure out how things are going and to determine what adjustments to make as altitude varies with changing weather conditions. Whatever the causes are, financial analysis will determine where you are. We offer a service that provides the diagnosis and recommended changes to correct or alter the condition. Using RMA or D&B for tracking, ratios and GAAP, that identify required adjustments and alterations. 2. Budgeting:A budget is a plan that quantifies the company's goals in terms of specific financial and operating objectives. It may establish goals, develop strategies, formulate plans of action, and create the steps to take corrective action. Budgets may cover a long or short-term period. The first step is to estimate future sales, and then production costs are based upon them. We offer a service that provides an opportunity for organizations to re-look at their objectives and develop a budget that will quantify and create action steps necessary to achieve their goals. 3. Tracking Individual Operational Goals:3.1. Primary Objectives:
3.2.2. Production Goals:
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